Reg Parker, <em>Untitled 1/76</em> 1976, detail. Photo Mark Chew.
Reg Parker, Untitled 1/76 1976, detail. Photo Mark Chew.

Reg Parker

Born in 1925 in Melbourne, Reg Parker used abstract form to encourage interaction with his sculptures and was a pioneer of contemporary public art in Melbourne. Before studying sculpture in 1958 at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and establishing his career as an artist, Parker taught art in several Victorian schools. Practicing in a formalist style prominent in the 1970s, Parker was influenced by American Minimalist sculpture.

Born in 1925 in Melbourne, Reg Parker used abstract form to encourage interaction with his sculptures and was a pioneer of contemporary public art in Melbourne. Before studying sculpture in 1958 at RMIT and establishing his career as an artist, Parker was an art teacher in Victorian schools. Practicing in a formalist style prominent in the 1970s and influenced by American Minimalist sculpture, Parker sought to make ‘each element physically necessary to the sculpture…take one thing away and the whole thing ceases to exist’.