Steaphan Paton, <em>My Jindabyne II</em> 2018, detail
Steaphan Paton, My Jindabyne II 2018, detail

Steaphan Paton

Born in Mildura, Steaphan Paton is a Melbourne-based artist and member of the Gunai and Monero Nations from Gippsland. The Bachelor of Environmental Management he received from Deakin University and Master of Contemporary Art from the Victorian College of the Arts have both influenced his art practice, which examines power relationships over the land.

Paton uses a variety of media, including painting, sculpture, video and sound, to explore the complex networks that link landscape, culture, and historical storytelling. His work is grounded firmly in his perspective as a First Nations person, and deals with forms of governmental and cultural imperialism that continue to perpetuate the impacts of colonialism.