Visionary: Recent Donations to the McClelland Collection
30 March -
24 November 2024
Continuing in the spirit in which McClelland Sculpture Park and Gallery was gifted to the community in 1971, McClelland's renowned collection of Australian and international sculpture has been shaped in large part by the vision of a large circle of generous donors. Visionary: Recent Donations to the McClelland Collection showcases a range of extraordinary works which have come into the collection over recent years. Featuring works from Rick Amor, George Baldessin, Geoffrey Bartlett, Lauren Berkowitz, Peter Corlett, Lawrence English, Erwin Fabian, Fiona Foley, Mark Galea, Mira Gojak, Kenneth Hood, Vincas Jomantas, Julius Kane, Anne-Marie May, Sanne Mestrom, John Nixon, Kerrie Poliness and Scott Redford.