Natasha Johns-Messenger, Compass 2023, 2023. Photo: Steve Brown
Natasha Johns-Messenger, Compass 2023, 2023. Photo: Steve Brown

Compass 2023


Drawing inspiration from digital age navigation and the iconic Nylex clock, commemorated in Paul Kelly’s song Leaps and Bounds, Compass 2023, by Natasha Johns-Messenger presents a towering 12-meter sculpture that exudes a feeling of both awe and disorientation, encapsulating the essence of navigation in the modern era.

The semi-circular shapes are positioned to align with the cardinal directions of North, South, East and West. A distinctive cylindrical slice-like shape stands out as the focal point, pointing directly towards the North. This arrangement creates a harmonious integration with the surrounding environment, evoking the curves of circular freeway off-ramps.

As darkness descends, the sculpture comes alive, illuminating only the semicircles at its peak, creating an illusion of floating lights.

This captivating sculpture invites viewers to immerse themselves in its presence, encouraging contemplation and to reflect upon the marvels of navigation and direction.